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IOT Controller

페이지 정보

작성일 2024-05-31 조회 246


IOT(Internet of things) 

Today, I would like to talk about one of the most important technologies of the 21st century : the Internet of Things (IoT).By integrating sensors and internet connectivity into physical objects such as household appliances and cars, users can remotely monitor and control the state and operation of these objects.

For example, through a smart home system, you can control your home's lighting or security system even when you are away. With a smart refrigerator, you can check the expiration dates of food items and create shopping lists.This technology not only makes our lives more convenient but also brings innovation to various industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and healthcare. Additionally, by analyzing sensor data and big data, it is possible to optimize production processes or predict and prevent failures.

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Here are the advantages of IoT controllers

CONOTEC is planning to launch an IoT controller by early June by

integrating their existing controllers with IoT technology. Isn't that exciting? 

IOT controllers have numerous advantages.

It’s often easier to understand these benefits with a picture rather than just an explanation

1. Connection Method 

Traditional Connection Method


IOT Connection Method 


You simply need to access the Konotec server via a smartphone or PC internet,

enter your ID and password, and you're done. 

It's super simple, right?

2. Amazon Web server


We ensure server stability by utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS),

globally recognized across the world. 

3. Real-time text alerts

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4. Utilization of log function(Database)

-Temperature Graph-  

View temperature graph through data accumulation without the need for PC program download. 


-Schedule function-  

You can manage according to your preferred schedule by specifying the date

(daily, weekly, monthly) and setting values. 



-User identification through log retrieval-

Real-time monitoring is available for unauthorized changes made by someone other

than yourself directly to the controller.

*Web/App: Changes made via PC or mobile access for configuration adjustments.
*Controller: Changes made directly to the controller for configuration adjustments.


-Device duplication feature- 

When registering a new device, it's possible to duplicate the data from the previous device. 



PC Screen(IOT Controller) 



Mobile screen(IOT Controller) 

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Finally, summarizing the advantages of Konotec IoT controller briefly:

Our upcoming post and video will demonstrate how to connect

the conotec IoT controller with your PC or smartphone, so stay tuned!

-Summary of the advantages of Conotec IoT controllers-  

1. Quick and easy instrallation

(Direct connection to the server without the need for RS485, Smart IO, Smart HUB)

2. Ensuring server stability by utilizing Amazon Web Server


3. Real-time text alerts

(Temperature Changes/Sensor Erros/Status value changes/communication error)


4. Utilization of log Function(Database)

(Temperature graph, Shedule function, Device duplication, )

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